Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Advantages and Disadvantages of The 5 Generations of Computers


                  First Generation Computers

                       Vacuum tubes were the only electronic components available those days.
•                     • Vacuum tube technology made possible the advent of electronic digital computers.
                      • These computers can perform computations in milliseconds

                     • Unreliable
                        • Air conditioning required
                          • Not portable

Second Generation Computers

             • More Reliable
•            • Better portability
  •                                   • These computers were able to reduce computational times from                        milliseconds to microseconds

               • Air-conditioning required
•             • Frequent maintenance required
•             • Manual assembly of individual components into functioning unit was               required.

Third Generation Computers

·        Commercial production was easier and cheaper
·        Easily portable
·        Less power requirement than previous generation computers.
·        Air-conditioning required in many cases
·        Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacture of IC chips.

Fourth Generation Computers

·        Very reliable
·        Heat generated is negligible
·        Totally general purpose.

·        Highly sophisticated technology required for manufacture of LSI chips

Fifth Generation Computers


·     They are portable
·     They are very reliable compared to other generations
·      They portable and are available in different sizes with different features

·        They can replace man in jobs that are hard
·        They can defeat man in games
·        They are expensive

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